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Parents Teachers Meeting

DYPU-SHTS conducts ‘Parents Teacher Connect’ for Second year & Third year students. All Faculties conducts this P.T.M for its B.Sc. Hospitality Studies, B.Sc. Culinary Studies & M.Sc. Tourism Studies students, which received an overwhelming response from parents. It was great to connect with the parents. The parents were apprised with their wards academic progress.
The parents and the students were intimated of the PTM so that they could block their dates and timing for the same. The audio was shared with the parents on how the PTM would be conducted along with that the practical demonstration was uploaded on the LMS for the students and the parents to have a hand on prior experience of how it would be conducted.

The parents were even updated on the overall percentage of attendance and the performance in the internal assessments conducted. Each parent was given dedicated 10-15 min for their ward and in that the complete discussion of only their wards performance was done. Contentment and satisfaction were expressed by the parents in the way the PTM was conducted and appreciated the initiative taken by the school. Parents also expressed happiness in the way the school has conducted the webinars, industry connect, sessions, demonstrations, workshops, seminars, cultural events virtually and the way competitions are being conducted to ensure that the students are involved in all manners to teaching learning and co-curricular activities as well.

It is very important for us to have support and cooperation from parents to ensure that the students do not suffer in anyways during academic year. School of Hospitality & Tourism Studies always ensures that the students are well taken care of irrespective of circumstances and situations. Our students are our responsibility and we love to take utmost care of their complete well-being from academics to overall development.

Parents Teachers Meeting
  • A parent–teacher association/organization (PTA/PTO), parent-teacher-friend association (PTFA), or parent–teacher–student association (PTSA) is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers and staff that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school.
National Policy on Education, 1986, India
  • A 1992, "Program on Action" for the 1986 National Policy on Education encouraged 'giving pre-eminence to people's involvement including association of non-governmental and voluntary effort'
State guidelines
  • In 1996, the Maharashtra government declared PTAs mandatory in all schools within the state. By 2014 50% of the schools had a PTA. State guidelines for PTAs included:
    1) The parents of every student shall be members of a PTA
    2) The PTA does not interfere in the day-to-day administration of the schools
    3) 50% of PTA members should be women
    4) Duties of the PTA committee should involve assisting the school in planning and organising educational programs, seeing the syllabus is completed, to collect and present information regarding school fees