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CNE for Staff Nurses

7th June 2021

CNE for Staff Nurses
Time 2 to 3 pm, Date- 17/05/2021- 22/05/202.
Venue- Pushpanjali Auditorium
D Y Patil School of Nurses organized a continuing Nursing Education Program for the D Y PATIL Hospital Nursing Staff for the Overall Development of Nurses by Knowledge Skill and practice.

The first-day session taken by Ms. Shalini Abraham associate professor D Y Patil School Of Nursing on the topic of pain management. Madam has to Discuss the Different Methods of pain management nurses do this is by helping to ease and manage their patients’ pain via the administration of pain medication, as well as various non-pharmacological treatment methods including acupuncture, massage, and biofeedback, and Nursing care and responsibility while managing patient with pain. Total of 60 Nurses have attended the session.

Day two-session has taken on the topic Nursing care of COVID Patient by Ms. Swati Chavan. This session deals with new trends in COVId 19 patients during second Pandemic and care and management. Madam has explained about updates in the care and Practice during covid 19 pandemic phase two.

Day 3 session is conducted by Ms. Nisha Nair on the topic of Nursing care plan. Madam has Explained about how to write Nursing care plan and need identifications specific to covid 19 Patients.

Day 4 Drug Administration to Patient and related side effect and errors are very essential to know by all the Nursing staff. Covid 19 patient required are more Prone to develop different side effect due Low immunity make Nurses more about the Drug administration Ms. Ashvini Patil has conducted session on Administration of Medicine through central line Catheter.

Day 5 on 22/ 05/2021. CNE Lecture taken by MS. Yamini Patil on safe infusion Practice guideline or all staff Nurse. Aadministering patient medication injections as well as intravenous (IV) infusions is a common function for nurses working at the bedside. While these basic tasks are taught in nursing school, serious errors continue to occur such as administering medications or IV solutions with a visible precipitate and reusing syringes between patients. These poor practices may cause harm and possibly death to patients Infusion of Total 70 Nurses were attended the Lecture. Time 2 to 3 pm.

All the session were very Informative and enlighten to update new Knowledge and Practice for all the Nursing Staff.