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  • Prepare Action Plan for the year.
  • Indicate requirement of sports items and maintain all types of sporting inventory.
  • Organize intra-college competitions at the college level.
  • Assist and encourage the students to participate actively in organizing and conducting various sports and games both indoor and outdoor in the college.
  • Maintain records of sports and games events attended by students within the college, within the university and outside at the region/state /national level and their achievements/ awards.
  • Submit annual report on the sports/ events and budget allocations & spent during the year.
  • Coordinate with the Vice-Principal, Principal in
  • Obtaining permission to hold sports events in the college campus.
  • Recommending students to participate in the intra or inter-college events.
  • Recommending sanction for Entry/Registration Fees to participate in various sports events.
  • Submitting the information regarding students who have taken part in sports events.