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Procedure of Functioning of Cultural Committee

  • Cultural activities have several practical implications. By participating in such activities the students become more passionate and confident. These activities also foster team spirit and a sense of responsibility in the students.
  • Students learn to face challenges and find solutions to real-life problems. It is also believed that the students become more focused on their career. They are able to choose their field of interest early.
  • Some activities like martial arts, dance, sports, etc promote physical wellbeing. The students become conscious regarding their health and they are also encouraged to eat the right food for a healthy body.
  • Through cultural activities, students get opportunities to interact with others. They no longer remain introvert as they learn the art of building relationships. They learn the art of fostering healthy relationships with their classmates.
  • Most of the cultural activities are performed in groups thereby helping the students to develop a better understanding of the people around them. Interaction with other students belonging to different background helps in the development of interpersonal skills. Thus, the students become more social and they learn to respect others.
  • It is believed that students participating in cultural activities perform well in their academics. This is because they learn discipline and time management from such activities. This helps them to plan their schedule accordingly and leads to a better learning process.
  • The cultural activities enhance the confidence level of the students thereby allowing them to perform better. These activities develop the personality of the students and assist them in shaping a good career. In fact, students can also leverage the advantage of participating in various activities. During college admissions, most of the reputed universities give preference to all-rounders possessing impressive personality along with knowledge.