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Movement is salient to human life and forms an essential building block of the combined processes of surviving, growing, and evolving. Physiotherapy is the branch of health science which deals with the study of movement and of the processes that can be put in place in order to facilitate and/or restore one’s ability to move.

D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University, School of Physiotherapy has been upholding these processes in various capacities. The School of Physiotherapy renders its services through the outpatient department as well as ICUs and wards thus addressing a wide spectrum of conditions related to Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Cardiopulmonary, Dermatological, Gynaecological, and such other systems. Therapy is provided in terms of restoring the primary functions where ever possible and mitigating the secondary complications as part of the short-term management. However, the long-term objective is to effectively guide the patient through the various stages of recovery and restore him or her to functional normalcy and maximal social participation.

We also operate at the community level where the common problems that typically plague a certain community are objectively defined and addressed and solutions are provided towards improving the overall quality of life of the said community. We have conducted various camps and awareness programs and have been actively working in this area to have the above goals materialize into tangible results.

As the Director of the School of Physiotherapy, I feel privileged to be at the head of an institute that consistently engages in research activities thus making sure that learning and upgrading remain a constant accompaniment to the work process.

Our graduates as well as postgraduates from our institute have been efficiently working as clinicians, researchers, and/or teachers across the globe. International recognition of the professional education imparted by our institute can be gauged by the fact that various students from the institute have been pursuing their postgraduate and doctoral studies abroad.

In keeping with the vision, mission, and goal of our University, the School of Physiotherapy has been determined towards delivering services that cater to the real needs of the society while persistently bolstering the process with advanced technology commensurate with the global standards.