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A Workshop on Patenting in Pharmaceuticals was planned by Ms. Shefali Thakkar in for the students of S.Y. BPharm and T. Y. BPharm to study understand the importance of Patenting in Pharmaceuticals as a part of cocurricular activity under IIC. The event was planned on 26-04-22 Tuesday at 11.30 AM. In all, 41 students attended. Then The spokesperson invited for the workshop was Mr. Vijaykumar Shivpuje. He is director of Paltex Business Solutions. He is renowned patent agent. The event began with the inaugural speech by our Principal sir. Then the resource person started his session about types of IPR. He explained the importance of patents in today’s Pharma industry. He then showed various fields where patents play a major role. Various new terminologies like patent agent, Patent attorney, licensing of patent etc were discussed. The Workshop was very informative showcasing new oppurtunities for pharmacist in the field of Patenting. The workshop then concluded with a vote of thanks given by Ms. Tushara suttar (student of S.Y.BPharm).