Main Content

Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives


  • IIC ensures to overcome seasonality nature to ensures round the year activities in the campus to give exposure & multiple opportunities for students and faculties to take part and understand the importance of Innovation, inculcating entrepreneurship skill and mindset and encouraging taking startup as an alternative career option.


  • To engage the key stakeholders namely student, faculty, and institute effectively and developing healthy competition among IICs to carry out round the year activities Accommodating of activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship promotion being carried out by Institute in their campuses.

Goals & Objectives

The main objectives of this cell are as follows:

  • IIC’s objective is to prepare the students with skills like critical thinking, Design Thinking, Innovative thought process and Entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Breaking isolation and enhancing coherence and synergy among departments, centers, units, student bodies at the institute.