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Teaching & Learnig Activities

For enhancing Teaching and Learning, the teachers were sent for self-development courses to upgrade themselves and were asked to select books of their choice for library. These two steps benefitted the students immensely as better-informed faculty deliver better performance. Teachers were also asked to frame questions to stimulate the student’s mind. and in the classroom, they were asked to narrate clinical examples related to the topics discussed and also to explain about the current developments in the subject. We also invite expert speakers to discuss latest developments. The school has adopted various teaching learning methods including ICT enabled teaching via LCD, videos, movies, documentaries and interactive sessions besides others.

Apart from the compliance to the various regulations, the institution put forth its efforts in ensuring equity and wide access having representation of student community from different geographical areas and socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds. Besides interactive instructional techniques students are provided both central library with Wi-Fi connectivity and department library for referring to latest collection of journals. The academic progress of the students is continuously monitored, and they are motivated and mentored by the faculties