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Report of seminar on Growth & Development

May 2, 2020 Workshops
Seminar on Growth & Development organized on 05/11/2019 at Pushpanjali Auditorium at 9:30am to 4:30 pm, Coordinated by Mrs. Deepa Reddy under the guidance of Dr. Rita Lakhani Principal, School of nursing. The Main objective of seminar is to understand the Growth & development meaning with Difference. Understand the Growth & development of all the age group Children. Students are able to perform the Growth & development, also they can able to understand about normal and delayed development.
The Beneficiaries of the seminar were 3rdyr, 4thyr B. BSc. Nursing, 1st year P.B. B.Sc., 1st nursing, 2nd Nursing paediatric specialty students. Resource person for the programme was respected Madam Mankumari Mistry has delivered a lecture on overview of growth and development during her lecture mam discussed about meaning, principle and factor affecting on growth and development. It was very really interesting for all the participants. Mrs. Aswathy Aby Madam spoke on the topic developmental theories madam also explained about the cognitive moral and spiritual theory. Further the session handed over to Mrs. Anju Thampi to have discussion on developmental theories of psychosocial and psychosexual theory madam’s session was amazing for all. Madam Nisha has given a wonderful session on growth and development on infant. Mrs. Deepa Reddy had important talk on the topic regarding growth and development of toddler. Further session had been continued by Mrs. Swati Chavan on the topic growth and development of pre schooler and schooler, the session was interesting and innovative for the participants. Growth and development adolescent was been covered by Mrs. Deepa Reddy. The important topic of the seminar was taken by Mrs. Nisha mane on the topic global developmental delay.

Last but not least summarization of the seminar and vote of thanks was given by the programme coordinator Mrs. Deepa Reddy. Madam also concluded the importance of all the sessions and the seminar ends with national anthem.