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NCC 2014-2018 Report

NCC Flag Contains NCC Crest in gold in the center, with the letters "NCC" circled by a wreath of seventeen lotus with a foundation in Red, Blue and Light blue. Red portrays the Army, Deep Blue portrays the Navy and Light Blue portrays the Air Force. The seventeen lotuses address the 17 State Directorates. "Solidarity of Discipline" (Ekta aur Anushasan) is composed at the lower part of the NCC Flag.

About NCC

The NCC gives the fitting climate to foster discipline, obligation initiative and portability among the aides and understudies. This won't just assist the understudies with joining the protection administrations, however it will likewise help NCC Certificate holders to benefit different motivating forces by scholastics just as state and focal government in the field of businesses. The NCC is available to all normal understudies of the college on a deliberate premise. Consistently in the period of July the understudies are educated with regards to the new enrolment (just for the main year understudies). The officials and cadets have no risk for dynamic military assistance.

The NCC is one of the united powers of the safeguard power. Here cadets are prepared like warriors and prepared to confront any sort of difficulties that come their direction. Aside from normal procession preparing the cadets of the college likewise participate in different exercises as, weapon preparing, public incorporation, chronicled, geological and strict foundation of India, administration preparing, emergency treatment, help to common specialists, common protection, environment/nature mindfulness, self-preservation, giving data about NCC, cleanliness and disinfection, social assistance, experience preparing, map perusing, field art, scout and watch, military history. The cadets of the school effectively partake in different public camps and contest.

The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head Quarters at New Delhi. It is available to school and undergrads on willful premise. The National Cadet Corps in India are a deliberate association which initiates cadets from secondary schools, universities and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given essential military preparing in little arms and marches. The officials and cadets have no risk for dynamic military help once they complete their course yet are given inclination over ordinary applicants during determinations dependent on the accomplishments in the corps.

History of NCC

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has its beginning in the University Corps, which was made under the Defense Act, 1917 with the item to make up the lack of the Army. In 1920, when the Indian Territorial Act was passed, the University Corps was supplanted by the University Training Corps (UTC) in 1942, the UTC was renamed as the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC). The need to make an adolescent association at National level to prepare the little youngsters and young ladies to be better residents and future heads of our extraordinary nation in varying backgrounds, including Defense powers, was properly acknowledged by our chiefs. A Committee under Pandit H.N. Kunzru was set up in 1946 at the command of our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The NCC appeared on sixteenth July, 1948 under the NCC Act XXXVI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defense (MOD).

Aim of NCC

The 'Aims' of the NCC spread out in 1988 have endured for the long haul and keep on gathering the prerequisites expected of it in the current financial situation of the country. The NCC targets creating character, comradeship, discipline, a mainstream viewpoint, the soul of experience and beliefs of benevolent assistance among youthful residents. Further, it targets making a pool of coordinated, prepared and persuaded youth with authority characteristics in varying backgrounds, who will serve the Nation paying little heed to which profession they pick. Obviously, the NCC likewise gives a climate helpful for rousing youthful Indians to join the military.

• To foster characteristics of character, fortitude, comradeship, discipline, authority, mainstream viewpoint, soul of experience and sportsmanship and beliefs of magnanimous help among the adolescent to make them valuable residents.
• To make a human asset of coordinated, prepared and enacted youth, to give authority in varying backgrounds including the military and consistently accessible for the help of the country.
• To foster characteristics of character, mental fortitude, comradeship, discipline, initiative, mainstream standpoint, soul of experience and sportsmanship and the standards of caring help among the young to make them valuable resident.
• To make a human asset of coordinated prepared and spurred youth to give administration in varying backgrounds including the Armed Forces and be dependably accessible for the help of the country.

Motto of NCC

Solidarity and Discipline (Ekta aur Anushasan)

DG's four Cardinal Principals of Discipline

• Comply cheerfully

• Be Punctual

• Try sincerely and without complain

• Come up with no real reasons and lie


"I really do thusly gravely guarantee that I will serve my country most genuinely and reliably and that, I will comply with the principles and guidelines of the National Cadet Corps. Further under the order and control of my boss I will take an interest in each camp most earnestly and sincerely".


We the cadet of the public cadet corps, do gravely vow that we will forever maintain the solidarity of India. We resolve to be focused and dependable resident of our country. We will embrace positive local area administration in the soul of magnanimity and worry for our kindred creatures.

NCC Organization:

The National Cadet Corpos is going by a Director General, an Army Officer of the position of Lieutenant General, who is liable for the working of the National Cadet Corps in the country through the National Cadet Corps Headquarters arranged at Delhi. At the State Level, the nation has been separated into 17 Directorates covering all States and Union Territories. Every one of the State National Cadet Corps Directorate Headquarters controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters. While Directorates are instructed by Brigadiers or their counterparts, the Groups are told by Colonels or reciprocals from the Air Force and the Navy, NCC Units are told by Major/Lieutenant Colonel or their reciprocals.


• RDC: Republic Day Camp

• TSC: Thal Sainik Camp

• AAC: Army Attachment Camp

• ATC: Annual Training Camp

• BLC: Basic initiative camp

• CATC: Combined Annual Training Camp

• IGC: Inter Group Camp

• NIC: National Integration Camp

• RCC: Rock Climbing Camp

• SNIC: Special National Integration Camp

• VSC: Vayu Sainik Camp

• NSC: Nau Sainik Camp

Exercises Done During Camps:

• Drill

• Cross country

• Yoga

• Actual Training

• Weapon Training

• Games

• General Awareness Lectures

• Pit fire

• Social Activities

• Map Reading

• Field Craft and Battle Craft


Senior Division and Senior Wing:
• 'C'- Certificate is the most elevated acknowledgment of preparing and capability of a Senior NCC cadet
• 'B'- Certificate is the underlying acknowledgment of preparing and capability of a Senior NCC cadet.