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Code of Conduct by Student

Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Founded in 1989, the Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College was originally affiliated to the University of Mumbai and the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (MUHS), but now is a part of the D.Y.Patil University.
VISION: To be centre of Excellence in imparting medical education in diverse specialities and to foster an atmosphere that is conducive to quality learning.
MISSION: To provide an integral system of academic delivery that focuses on quality education, character development and superlative health care to ensure an effective and practical learning environment that is aligned with the needs of our society.
VISION: To be a world class health care centre providing affordable and quality services in all medical specialities to the local, national and international communities.
MISSION: To create a top notch health care system that delivers physical, mental and spiritual health needs to all socio-economic strata, locally, nationally and globally, and also to educate and train the students to emerge as the finest medical doctor in the community.
GOAL: The Goal of the D.Y. Patil School of Medicine and Hospital is to train U.G. and P.G. Medical graduates in the field of health sciences to achieve physical, mental and spiritual health for the whole nation.
The School of Medicine will always:
-Treat all stakeholders with respect and dignity
-Strive for excellence
-Work as one team — one vision
-Demonstrate a proactive student first and student delight
-Strive in building a spirit of trust with all stakeholders
The D.Y.Patil School of Medicine established in dedication to the people aims to impart Health Science Education, perform Scientific Research and provide quality health services.
It also aims to enable its students to acquire skills required for performing duties of a competent Medical Graduate.
Attendance at all organized academic and extracurricular activities is compulsory except for valid reasons like hospitalization/sick in quarters/duly sanctioned leave. All students will ensure that they are punctual at their places of duty.
Although a student must have a minimum of 75% attendance in order to be eligible for the University Examination as per Medical Council of India (MCI) Regulations, students are required to attend all classes except in case of the reasons detailed above.
Unethical and dishonest competition is unacceptable and unprofessional. Students must not obtain, receive, or use assistance during an examination of any kind from any source that is not authorized by faculty. This shall include, but not be limited to, the copying of answers from another student, communicating with another student in order to obtain such information, and using unauthorized notes or devices. Students must not submit a technical or written assignment that is not the work of the student. Students will adhere to rules established and made clear regarding the circumstances under which examinations of any kind will be performed