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Master of Optometry (M.Optom)

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1) Course Overview:

The M.Sc. Optometry program is a 2 year postgraduate program under which, we train students to work as optometrists, ophthalmologists and trained worker. They get knowledge about eye and related structures, vision, visual systems and vision information processing in humans. We make them competent to work as primary health care providers for the diagnosis, management and treatment of the eye diseases and refractive disorders. Further, to develop research attitude they have to complete a dissertation on one topic given by mentor. Students are involved and trained in administrative and record keeping work. At the end of two years they can work in the field of sports vision, public health and government service or community health centers. They can get opportunity to work as consultant in occupational / industrial safety programs, eye care trade, and optometrist in practice schools. Optometrists also can also start their own personal clinics and work independently. They are also eligible to hold academic positions in schools of allied health science and train undergraduate students.

Eligibility Criteria:

B.Sc in Optometry Technology

Duration Of Course:

2 years