Main Content

Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

To empower women to realize their potential and compete for equal opportunities in building a successful home and career.

To train women to acquire wide range of skills and knowledge and to develop and increase their social, economic and intellectual capacities for peace, security and prosperity of mankind.

• To promote gender sensitivity in the college and conduct diverse programmes to educate, sensitize both male and female members and produce harmonious atmosphere on the campus.
• To work for the welfare of the students and faculty towards preparing them in to competent professionals to take up greater challenges in the academic sphere.

• To uplift the girls socially and intellectually, the cell conducts various awareness camps- health, legal, entrepreneurship, defence techniques, etc in order to equip them with the right knowledge for a life of equality, empowerment, personal enhancement and professional success.
• To empower them in raising their voice against Gender Discrimination/Injustice/Violence.
• To spread social awareness through street plays, marathons, etc.
• To provide a platform for girls and women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.