Main Content

Function of the Committee

The Women Empowerment Cell in D Y Patil Deemed to be university is established to empower girl students and staffs and to enhance their understanding of issues related to women in the society and to face the challenges with great courage. The goal of the cell is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. This cell creates a feel in them that our college campus is a haven and second home to them. The cell functions arduously to enhance their status and thereby empower them through Guest Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, various awareness programmes and other welfare activities.

  • To be effective agents of empowerment through Higher Education, universities need to give attention to.
  • Mass motivation and mobilization – dissemination of information through newsletters and other social agencies.
  • Literacy Promotion: preparation of training packages and development of learning materials.
  • Techno–pedagogic inputs: Preparation of data based information and transference of matter into technological display
  • Network Culture: monitor activities related to women’s studies and women’s movements and recommend better implementation.