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Computer Engineering

“To impart higher and quality education in computer science with value added engineering and technology programs to prepare technically sound, ethically strong engineers with social awareness. To extend the facilities, to meet the fast-changing requirements and nurture the youths with international competencies and exemplary level of employability and research under highly competitive environments.”

Information Technology

“To pervade higher and quality education with value added engineering, technology programs to deliver to the IT graduates knowledge, skills, tools and competencies necessary to understand and apply technical knowledge and to become competent to practice engineering professionally and ethically in tomorrow’s global environment. To contribute to the overall development by imparting moral, social and ethical values”.

Electronics Engineering

“The department envisions that the students of the branch become engineers of professional character equipped with a strong theoretical and experimental foundation required for critical thinking, practical engineering skills to face the recent research and industrial challenges in the field, the ability to work in a team, and all the qualities that help them accomplish their goals with a zeal for social awareness”.

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

“To be a center of academic excellence by imparting quality education and carrying out research and technology in frontier areas of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and to produce competent leaders to face challenges of the global village, strive towards producing world class engineers who will continuously innovate, upgrade telecommunication technology and provide advanced and hazard-free solutions to the mankind to inspire, educate and empower students to ensure green and sustainable society with strong moral values and ethics”.

Engineering Sciences

“To impart quality education pertaining to First year Engineering. To prepare the students for leadership roles and strengthen the basic concepts which will make them understand the engineering concepts better at higher semesters. To develop the overall character and personality through spiritual workshops so that they not only emerge as excellent engineers but also ethical human beings”.

Insturmentation Engineering

To be a premier department for the study of Instrumentation Engineering through maintaining high quality academic standards, state of art resources and teaching that promotes students to achieve competencies, exemplary level of employability, analytical thinking and independent judgment necessary to function responsibly and successfully in a highly competitive professional and global society.