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1) Course Overview:

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering started its Post Graduate Course (PG) in 2011 and it has shown excellent academic record thereafter. It has been in the forefront of imparting quality education to students. The success of the department is amply reflected in the outstanding achievements of the students employed both abroad as well as within the country.
This program trains the students in emerging areas of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering like Mobile Communication Systems, Wireless optical Systems, Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Microwaves Antenna Designs and Signal Processing. Machine learning applications in this field will also be explored. Students will understand and learn various communication technologies and will be trained to explore applications of various telecommunication fields. This program adheres to the need of knowing hardware as well as software required for various telecommunication industries.
The Department has 12 laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities, a separate departmental library, a seminar hall, adequate class rooms with advanced facilities like projector, laptop, audio video systems and other facilities are available.
The students are encouraged to participate in conferences, workshops and various competitions. Our many students have performed extremely well at various levels. They publish papers at the national and international level conferences. They also publish their papers and projects in reputed journals. They are duly awarded for their research work.
The Department has many advanced equipment’s like Vector Network Analyzer(VNA), Advanced RADAR Setup, Various Antennas and many advanced Simulation Software’s that are required for design and simulation in many fields of telecommunication. The Department is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi.

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