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A well-equipped library is the most sought-after place for all the seekers of knowledge and contemporary learning. The library at RAIT is a very significant location for acquiring the knowledge of recent developments in technology and is always thronged by the inquisitive minds. The library is open round the clock on all days for students, faculty members and staff. It is designed and developed, keeping in mind students’ needs, desires, interests, and expectations. The ambience of the library is highly suitable for reading, writing and conceiving new ideas. The architecture has been so designed, that it provides a comfortable ambience laced with intellectual curiosity for all the readers.

The use of recent technological aids and library software (WEB-OPAC) makes the activities of issuing and returning of books very smooth and user friendly. The library is equipped with state-of-the-art advanced facilities and services like laptops, computer terminals, printers, a dedicated reprography centre, a dedicated kiosk for searching books and high-speed wi-fi. The present book repository of 13000 titles and 47000 volumes (with additional 10000 e-books) is updated every month to add books on new technological advancements. To encourage research among the learners and teachers, the library gives unlimited free access to many reputed national and international e-Journals (1300) as well as printed journals (85). The large number of books and journals provide constant fuel to the inquisitive mind and provides impetus to learning and research. The library has annual subscription of IIT Bombay library and holds more than 2500 CDs/DVDs of NPTEL online lectures. Thus, the RAIT library provides a conducive learning environment and excellent infrastructural facilities which caters adequately, to the advanced learning and reading urges of students.