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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

The Board of Studies shall have the following powers and duties:

  • To recommend to the Management Council through the faculty or faculties concerned and the Academic Council, the introduction of new diplomas and degrees
  • To recommend to the Management Council through the faculty or faculties concerned and the Academic Council, the discontinuation of diplomas and degrees which have become irrelevant.
  • To recommend to the faculty concerned, the course syllabi, course structures and evaluation schemes of various courses.
  • To prepare the requirements with regard to library, laboratory, equipment in respect of courses concerned.
  • To recommended to the reference books or supplementary reading books and such other material useful for study of the course.
  • To recommend to the faculty, modifications in respect of addition or deletion or updating of courses.
  • To design curricula, add vocational content to every discipline and to prescribe the minimum period to pursue skill development programme and the level of proficiency expected.