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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

The Institute has set up an Anti-Ragging Committee under the leadership of the Head of the Institute to ensure that measures for prevention of ragging and monitoring mechanisms are in place. There are also provisions for actions to be taken against students for indulging in and abetting ragging.

  • To ensure compliance with the provision of UGC regulation 2009 at the institute level.
  • Anti-Ragging Squad will be working under the Monitoring of Anti Ragging Committee and will seek advice from the Anti-Ragging Committee.
  • The functions of Anti-Ragging Squad will be to keep a vigil and stop the incidences of Ragging, if any, happening / reported in the places of Student aggregation including, Classrooms, Canteens, Buses, Grounds, Hostels etc.
  • The Squad will also educate the students at large by adopting various means about the menace of Ragging and related Punishments there to.
  • A gamut of positive reinforcement activities are adopted by Anti-Ragging Squad for orienting students and molding their personality for a better cause. They shall work in Consonance and Guidance of Anti Ragging Committee.
  • To offer services of counseling and create awareness to the students.