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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

The Academic Council shall have the following Duties:-

  • To consider matters of academic interest either on its own initiative or at the instance of the Board of Management or these proposed by the departments / faculties and to take proper action thereon.
  • To exercise general supervision over the academic work of the institution deemed to be university and to give direction regarding methods of instruction, evaluation, and improvements in academic standards.
  • To promote research within the institution deemed to be university, acquire reports on such researches from time to time.
  • To prescribe courses of study leading to degrees and diplomas of the institution deemed to be university.
  • To make arrangements for the conduct of examinations in conformity with the Bye-Laws.
  • To appoint examiners, moderators, tabulators and such other personnel for different examinations.
  • To maintain proper standards of the examinations.
  • To recognize diplomas and degrees of universities and other Institutions and to determine equivalence with the diplomas and degrees of the institutions deemed to be university.
  • To suggest measures for departmental co-ordination.
  • To make recommendations to the Board of Management .
  • Measures for improvement of standards of teaching research and training.
  • Institution of fellowships, travel fellowships, scholarships, medals, prizes etc.
  • To recommend to the Board of Management, the establishment or abolition of departments/ centres.
  • To frame rules covering the academic functioning of the institution deemed to be university, admissions, examinations, award of fellowships and studentships, free-ships, concessions, attendance, discipline, residence etc.
  • To appoint sub-committees to advise on such specific matters as may be referred to it by the Board of Management.
  • To consider the recommendations of the sub-committees and to take such action as the circumstances of each case may require.
  • To take periodical review of the activities of the Departments / Centres and to take appropriate action with a view to maintaining and improving standards of instruction.
  • To recommend institution of teaching posts (Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors) to the Board of Management.
  • To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed upon it by the Rules.

The principal responsibility of the academic council in a University are :-

  • Maintainence of quality and standards of academic programs.
  • Planning, co-ordination, development, oversight and review of academic programs of the University.

The secondary responsibility of the academic council of the University are :-

  • Laying down the essential qualification for recruitment of faculty in various disciplines.
  • Framing and revising/updating the contents of the course of various academic programs.
  • Approval of fee structure of various academic programs.