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Duties and Responsibility of Sports Committee


The Secretary of the University Sports Committee shall be appointed from, amongst the Presidents of the University Sports Clubs by the Vice-Chancellor. The Secretary shall be Executive Officer of the University Sports Committee.

The Secretary shall: -

Control the office and servants of the University Sports Committee

  • Conduct correspondence on behalf of the University Sports Committee
  • Issue notices of meeting
  • Keep minutes of the proceedings of meetings
  • Maintain accounts
  • Prepare the annual balances sheet and present it to the University Sports Committee at its budget meeting
  • Perform such other duties as the University Sports Committee or its Chairman may assign


  • The committee shall promote sports activities by motivating students and members of faculty.
  • Promoting team spirit by making healthy competition.
  • To organize regular sports events in order to train students for state and national level competitions.
  • To arrange for better coaching facilities.
  • Proper maintenance of sports accessories.
  • To provide necessary infrastructure for the sports.