Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives
To propose, co-ordinate, collaborate the research activities of the school thereby
conduct and produce outcome based major / minor research projects for the School.
RCC highly recommends its members to actively engage in quality research for
providing solution to the problems faced by the healthcare industry, environment and
agriculture sector.
It organises, coordinates and encourages participation in National and International
Conference/ Seminar/ workshop in order to showcase the research aptitude of the
School as oral/ poster presentation.
Goals & Objectives
The main objectives of this cell are as follows:
1. To co-ordinate the research and development activities with the University.
2. To organize and coordinate research activities for the college.
To take up major / minor research projects for the college.
3. To raise funds for research activities of the college.
4. To co-ordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the
5. To promote organization and participation at International/ National
Conferences/Seminars/ Workshop/ Faculty Development Program/ Research Scholars
Meet etc in association with professional bodies for innovative and beneficial outcomes
by strengthening the research environment of the School