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Research Policy

The Research and Consultancy Committee (RCC) aims to ideate, incubate and promote research that will cater to the needs of society and environment.


1. To co-ordinate the research and development activities with the University
2. To organize and coordinate research activities for the School.
3. To acquire funds and promote major / minor research projects for the School.
4. To coordinate research, teaching, consultancy, training and other academic activities in the School.
5. To promote organization and participation of International/ National Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshop in association with professional bodies for innovative and beneficial outcomes to strengthen the research environment of the School.

Standard Operating Protocol:

A) Quorum and Meeting Schedule : The RCC comprises of the following members :

a)Director- Chairman
b) Dean- Research Coordinator
c) Section Head- Research- In charge
d) Research Project Principal Investigators (PIs) [Completed & Ongoing] -Member
e) Faculty - Member Secretary/ Convenor
f) Sections Heads- Member
The RCC meets at least twice in an academic calendar (first half of May and December) and the Chairperson / Convenor conducts and maintains the proceedings of the meeting.

B) Workings and Functions
1. The RCC is directed by the IQAC of the school and is responsible for establishment and promotion of excellence in departmental, collaborative and consultancy research projects and corporate/ industrial training and internship.
2. The RCC is committed to enhancing the research programmes conducted at the school by monitoring the six monthly progression of all research projects.
3. The RCC circulates the information related to research and development activities, call for proposals from national funding agencies’ like DBT/ BIORAC/ SERB etc for individual and collaborative research projects to the concerned sections/individuals.
4. The RCC actively encourages its staff and undergraduate/ postgraduate/ Ph. D students to undertake sponsored and consultancy research projects other than in house research.
5. The RCC regularly informs students and faculty members regarding code of ethics in research and publication.
6. RCC helps to organize National and International Conference/ Seminar/ workshop. FDP etc to encourage faculty and students to showcase research work.
7. The RCC collates the achievements in the form of a Scientific Newsletter- Vigyaan Pravah@ SBB which is uploaded on the website.