Resaerch Committee Functions
1. To suggest peer reviewed national and international journals for
subscription in central library.
2. To motivate students to present research work as oral and posters in
National and International conferences/ seminar and display projects
in competitions and exhibitions.
3. To enhance the research aptitudes of the students and the faculty and
ensure quality research publication in journals with high impact factor.
4. To depute faculty for seminars, workshops, FDPs and conferences in
order to upgrade their scientific aptitude and disseminate knowledge
to other communities as resource persons, judges, key note speakers,
editorials etc.
5. To create and maintain a database of research work and research
projects undertaken by the faculty and students as well as collect data
by metrics such as Citation Index, Impact Factor, h-index, SNIP, SJR,
6. To initiate and promote MOU with industries and R & D organizations
for consultancy and collaborative research.
7. To promote collaboration and interdisciplinary research.
8. To strengthen industry – institute/ academia interaction by promoting
consultancy, testing and need based research & innovation activities
at the School.
9. To publish the achievements of the students and the faculty or
research updates in the form of a newsletter.
10. To assist in the development and monitoring of graduate and
Postgraduate Research with necessary steps on safety practices in
the School and to strictly follow all research ethics