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Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

To have ensure a safe and empowering working atmosphere for women.

Organize workshops, seminars, interaction programs on health, safety, literacy, entrepreneurship, and legal rights for women on campus. Create awareness among men and women to sustain gender equity.

To have a gender sensitive atmosphere on campus where in persons of all genders thrive in a safe and empowering atmosphere.

To make students gender sensitive and create positive values that support all gender and their rights.
To generate awareness in women with regard to equality in law, social systems and democratic process.
To promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.
To conduct seminar, workshop to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available and train the women.
To create a conducive counselling environment for female gender to share their problems.
To resolve the issues pertaining to Gender Discrimination.
To provide a platform for listening to complaints.
To foster healthy relationship with opposite gender.
To conduct Gender Audit every year.
To look into the action taken of the Committee.