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Strategic Plan of IQAC

  Curriculum Development Year Recommendations Action Taken Report
2020-21 Better online platforms were suggested NABH Reassessment Scheduled AAA audit of 2019-20 and 2020-21 Scheduled Google meet was oriented to teachers NABH Reassessment Scheduled in October 2021 and preparation started AAA audit Scheduled in November and December 2021
2019-20 Faculty orientation towards Online platforms to cover any Pandemic loss was recommended by IQAC Under guidance of IQAC orientation towards online platforms like Vimeo, Zoom sessions were conducted for Faculty.
2018-19 Value added courses for academic and professional development of students was suggested. For ease Online Feedback forms were recommended. 14 Value added courses in diverse streams with Value addition were introduced as per recommendation of IQAC. Online feedback forms were generated.
2017-18 To keep up with the current healthtrends and requirement in health needs revision in courses for updation of student knowledge was recommended. Revisal of syllabus is subject to CCIM norms and accordingly it was implemented this year as per CCIM gazette.
2016-17 Feedback for revisal was suggested from all stakeholders by IQAC Feedback for revisal was taken from all stakeholders and putforth to IQAC .This was recommended by IQAC and forwarded to Council for approval
2015-16 Updating Curriculum as per changing trends to provide quality education to students was recommended by IQAC. Suggestions on Curriculum as per changing trends to provide quality education to students was putforth by all departments.
Teaching and Learning 2020-21 Mentors were asked to look into any issues regarding Online teaching. For safety SOPs on COVID were instructed to be developed. Mentors held a meeting with the students to understand any issues pertaining to Online teaching . COVID Sops were developed for smooth and safe conduction of laboratory praticals.
2019-20 1) Online platforms like Vimeo , Zoom were recommended to cover Pandemic loss.
2) Mentors were suggested to students for Academic and personal help and guidance.
3) Special programmes for advanced learners and remedial for low learners were suggested
1) Online platforms like Vimeo ,Zoom were introduced.
2) Mentors were assigned to students for Academic and personal help and guidance.
3) Special programmes for advanced learners and remedial for low learners were held as recommended by IQAC.
2018-19 Orientation was suggested to students in Simulation Lab for efficient practical learning of new technologies and methodologies. 1) Orientation was provided to students in Simulation Lab.
2) Mentors were assigned to students for Academic and personal help and guidance as recommended by IQAC.
2017-18 Concession was recommended to Faculty to encourage higher education i.e PhD 1) Concession was given to Faculty to encourage PhD thereby upliftment of Quality of Education and Teaching.
2) Special programmes for advanced learners and remedial for low learners were held. Mentors were assigned to students for Academic and personal help and guidance as recommended by IQAC.
2016-17 1) Mentors were recommended for professional and personal help.
2) Recognising the importance of higher education to Faculty for both Faculty and student development and inclination towards research PhD Programme was suggested.
1) Mentors were assigned to students for Academic and personal help and guidance.
2) PhD Programme was started
2015-16 Mentors were recommended for professional and personal help. Mentors were assigned to students for Academic and personal help and guidance.
Research,Innovations and Extension 2020-21 Research papers in Web of Science and Scopus are encouraged by IQAC to improve Quality of Research. Research papers were published in web of Science and Scopus.
2019-20 Research papers in Web of Science and Scopus are encouraged by IQAC 6 Research papers were published in web of Science and Scopus
2018-19 1) Clinical trials were encouraged.
2) Clinical trials were encouraged. Extension activities like OPD and Camp were encouraged.
6 Clinical trials pertaining to issues like Anemia,Hairfall were carried Sponsored by Emami,Dootpapeshwar. New Extension OPD at Turbhe was started.
2017-18 1) MOU was encouraged between various Institutes.
2) Faculty was encouraged for higher Education.
MOU between YMT And Our Institute for betterment of Health Services. Faculty was given concession in fee towards encouraging PhD amongst Faculty
2016-17 Addition of new / innovative academic programs were recommended by IQAC. Clinical Trials are encouraged Organisation of Orientation Programmes, CMEs and workshops were suggested. 1) Accordingly PhD in Ayurveda in 8 subjects were started.
2) Orientation Programmes, 7 CMEs and 4 workshops were organised.
2015-16 1) Research activities were encouraged by IQAC
2) Health Camps and Swacch Bharat campaigns were encouraged.
• Clinical trials were also conducted.
• OPD was extended at JNPT, Uran on Every Tuesday and Friday.
• Health Camps were conducted under.
• Swacch Bharat Mission.
• Also Health Camps were organised in adopted Villages by Institute.
• Suvarnaprashan on every PushyaNakshatra in each month through the year is conducted to improve Child Health.
Infrastructure and learning Resources 2020-21 Everyday Sanitization was recommended for improved safety. Sanitization was done everyday.
2019-20 Online platforms were encouraged Online platforms were introduced Vimeo ,Zoom,GoogleMeet to cover any Academic loss during Pandemic.
2018-19 LMS trainings LMS trainings were given to new Faculty
2017-18 1) Suggestions towards NABH audit were discussed.
2) Upgradation of ICT was recommended.
The Hospital was accredited by NABH successfully. STP facilities were installed as part of NABH Good amount was spent on Maintainance of ICT and Campus Infrastructure and facilities.
2016-17 1) To improve Quality in health services and to set a benchmark in Healthcare Accredition by NABH was recommended.
2) LMS regarding suggestions were welcomed.
3) ICT Facilities i.e Classrooms and Seminar Halls with LCD was suggested.
1) Activities towards Assessment of NABH was begun.
2) Training of LMS was given to all Faculty to understand the system.
3) ICT was upgraded.
2015-16 1) Addition of books as per revisal was recommended by IQAC.
2) For improved quality of education and learning ,uploading of lectures for easy student access, administration,documentation LMS was suggested.
1) 300 books were added in the Library.
2) Work in Progress for LMS.
3) Alumni meeting was held
Student Support and Progression 2020-21 Online training for student to attend sessions was recommended by IQAC. Online training for student to attend sessions effectively was done.
2019-20 1) COVID Sops were suggested for smooth and safe functioning of academics Parent Teacher meeting was suggested.
2) Gender Sensitization Programmes were suggested.
1) COVID SOPs were developed.
2) PTM was held to understand any issues or feedback from Parents Online Feedback forms for ease was made.
3) Atiragging orientation and Gender Sensitization Programmes were held.
4) 6 day Yoga workshop was held for students . Alumni meeting was held
2018-19 Value added course suggested by IQAC Online feedback forms were suggested 1) 14 Value added Courses were started .
2) 6 day Yoga workshop was held for students Alumni meeting was held Atiragging orientation and Gender Sensitization Programmes were held.
2017-18 To reinforce Student Greivance Redressal Mechanism 1) A robust Student Greivance Redressal Mechanism is in place. Atiragging orientation and Gender Sensitization Programmes were held.
2) 6 day Yoga workshop held for students
2016-17 IT Upgradation for students Gender Guidance for Competetive Exams Gender Sensitization Programmes are emphasized by IQAC Unique ID Nos for prompt and paperless communication and Wifi facility in the campus was provided. 6 day Yoga workshop held for students Alumni meeting held Atiragging orientation and Gender Sensitization Programmes are held every year.
2015-16 1) Financial aid to encourage education for less privileged students was suggested.
2) Recommended Yoga Sessions for students.
3) For safety and security of students CCTV was suggested.
4) IQAC recommended Alumni meeting every year.
1) Concession / Free ship in the period of 1/6/15 to 31/5/ 16 was given to 19 students with total amount of 28,87,500/-
2) 6 day Yoga workshop held for students Well equipped Campus with CCTV 24*7 was installed which gives strong pillar of security for students Alumni meeting held Atiragging orientation was held every year.
Governance ,Leadership and Management 2020-21 FDP was recommended to upgrade knowledge of Faculty and thereby the students. FDP on Aharavalokanam was held
2019-20 Online webinars were suggested for every department. Online webinars were organised by all 14 departments
2018-19 CMEs were suggested Organisation of 14 CMEs.
Academic and Administrative Audit was held to ensure academic accountability and to develop startegies to improve Quality.
2017-18 Conference ,Seminars and workshop recommended Conference ,Seminars and workshop held AAA Audit was held 2 days national Seminar on Diabetes in collaboration with AYUSH and State of maharastra was held.
2016-17 NABH related committee formation was recommended.
Financial support for teachers towards Seminars was recommended
• NABH related Committees were formed.
• In this regard 15 day ROTP leave was sanctioned for all Faculties.
• AAA Audit was held .
• 7 CME and 4 workshops were held.
2015-16 1) For Hospital Administration and Record maintainance upgradation was recommended.
2) AAA Audit recommended every year.
3) Yoga workshops, Meditation sessions were suggested for well-being of faculty & development of soft skills.
• Dhanvantari Software was upgraded.
• AAA Audit was held
• Yoga workshops, Meditation sessions were arranged to enhance over-all well-being of faculty & development of soft skills.
Institutional Values and Best Practices 2020-21 Reassessment of NABH was suggested. Ongoing
2019-20 COVID sops were suggested COVID SOPS were developed for safety.
2018-19 International ,National events celebration was suggested. 1) International, National events celebrations were held.
2) Vanamahotsava day was celebrated for awareness of Plant Conservation.
2017-18 1) Emphasis on facilities towards Disabled in Hospital was suggested by IQAC.
2) Green house maintainance was recommended.
1) Built environment, Disabled friendly washroom, Signage including tactile path and other Divyangjan facilities were made available.
2) Vanamahotsava day was celebrated for awareness of Plant Conservation.
3) Soil and manure were added for revival of plants.
2016-17 NABH waste management regulation was stressed • NABH accreditation was done . With regards to this hazardous waste management a MOU was done with NMMC for BMW management according to Government Norms.
• Infection control training and orientation was conducted to maintain Hospital Hygiene.
• Vanamahotsava day was celebrated for awareness of Plant Conservation.
• Gender sensitisation audit conducted
2015-16 1) For environmental protection Vahamotsava was suggested.
2) For energy conservation measures were recommended.
• Vanamahotsava day was celebrated for awareness of Plant Conservation.
• All lights were replaced by LED to conserve energy