Main Content

Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant
1. International Conference on Ayurvedic Manuscriptology for Ayurveda Enthusiasts
2. Research on various Ayurveda manuscripts and publication of their critical editions
3. Seven Days Seminar on ‘Charak-Chintan’
4. Workshops on ‘Research Methodology and Medical Statistics’ for P. G. Students and teachers
5. Conduction of Experimental studies for exploration of basic concepts of Ayurveda

Rachana Sharir
1. To compare ancient knowledge of our subject with modern science and develop our subject as per the modern era
2. To prepare a model of human body which will exhibits real movements of the muscles.
3. Department is planning organize National / International seminar of our subject.
4. Planning for arranging education tour for students and faculties to see anatomy museums

Kriya Sharir
1. To conduct transdisciplinary research projects
2. To take active participation in AYUSH and CCRAS activities.
3. To generate software for functions of dosha, dhatu & mala to bring more objectivity.
4. Planning to develop more mobile applications in Kriya Sharir to perceive gist of Kriya Sharir.
5. To generate more audio visual models for better understanding of Kriya Sharir concepts.

Rognidan & Vikrutividnyan
1. To Focus on Ayurvedic Diagnostic Methodology
2. To Develop Ayurvedic Interpretation Methodology of Laboratory Tests
3. To Motivate the Students For Ayurvedic Aspect of Diagnosis
4. To encourage Students to become excellence in Ayurveda Practice
5. To guide students For Future Career
6. To develop Department in a unique pattern to achieve Excellency in Ayurveda diagnosis
7. To Publish Research article in the UGC care/Indexed Pub med Journals at least two per year

Dravyaguna Vigyan
1. Academics updates and re-modifications of curriculum towards more practical applications. Incorporating Value added courses, elective subjects courses, consultancy related to utilization of medicinal plants and demeanor evidence based research.

Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
1. Production of All Types of Ayurvedic Medicines
2. Enhancement of Pharmacy
3. New Formulation Development
4. Newer Methods of Drug Formulation
5. Fully Equipped & Precise Quality Control Section
6. Publish more Research articles.
7. Rasa shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana department will conduct National Webinars, Seminars
8. Organize Guest Lectures for UG, PG Students and Faculties.
9. We constantly encourage our faculties to Publish papers, Writing Books so that Department will be benefitted with their knowledge and experience.

Agadtantra, Vyavahar Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak
1. The cumulative effects of globalization, rapidly evolving technologies, and emerging areas of science have created unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the Agadtantra Department Breakthroughs in many areas of science are generating new tools and methods that are being incorporated into the science of toxicology
2.Acceptance of any new toxicology methods will require sufficient convincing data as well as continuous dialogue and feedback among all relevant stakeholders from development to implementation, including qualification and acceptance by regulatory authorities.
3. Training
Continuing ongoing education in new predictive toxicology methods is essential and a Toxicology Seminar Series to introduce concepts of new toxicology methodologies and updates in toxicology-related topics
4. Research
Research programs will identify data gaps and support intramural and extramural research to ensure that the most promising technologies are identified, developed, validated, and integrated into the product pipeline.
5. Collaborations
Agadtantra Depatment will continue its long practice of fostering collaborations across modrn science and disciplines nationally and internationally. Department considers these types of partnerships pivotal to identifying the needs, maintaining momentum, and establishing a community to support delivery of new predictive toxicology methods.
6. Oversight
Department, will track the progress of these recommendations and report it annually. Its key goals are to ensure continued communication and collaboration among the different pathies and with the Ayurveda.

Swasthavritta and Yoga
1. Swasthavritta and Yoga Department will be conducted various activities to update knowledge, Propagation of Ayurveda and research.
2. National seminar/ conference on Ayurveda Diet principles /Role of Daily and seasonal regimen for health.
3. International Day of Yoga celebration in every year with 1week Yoga Workshop for students, teaching, non-teaching staff and Community.
4. Under Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav department will be organize various activities like Health camps, awareness lectures for students of schools.
5. Camps and awareness lectures on Diet and Lifestyle.
6. Department will be conduct Research project.

Prasutitantra And Streerog
1. Prasutitantra And Streerog Department will conduct National Webinars,Seminars and workshops
2. We are planning to conduct awareness lectures on Cervical & Breast Cancer, Adolescence health care & Menopausal health care,Reproductive health care.
3. We are planning to conduct lifestyle modification programmes for wellness of women with the help of Diet, Yoga & Meditation .
4. Under Azadi Ka Amrut Mohotsav Department will organize various activities like women health check up camps and awareness lectures on PCOS.
5. We constantly encourage our faculties to Publish papers,Writing Books so that Department will be benefitted with their knowledge and experience.

1. Ayushman Bharat : Build immunity in young generation through Ayurveda
2. Garden at doorstep: Encourage children to grow medicinal planta at their doorstep.
3. Develop child friendly , platable medicines
4. To build Adolescent health clinic
5. To build technosavy I.P.D and NICU
6. Bringing practical application to UG and PG lectures

1. To conduct clinical trials .
2. To Conduct ROTP in kayachikitsa department.
3. To Conduct CME in department.
4. To Conduct Webinars in department.
5. To Conduct medical camps in the hospital.

1. Planning to organise regular Free health Check up camps .
2. Arranging lectures and live workshops from the most experienced and best faculty of Panchakarma field for the students
3. Planning to start Certificate Course in Panchakarma for BAMS graduates.So that students become well verse with the concept of Shodhana and principles of Panchkarma and its applications.
4. Research activities

1. To continue being at the forefront in providing quality surgical and parasurgical treatment for needy patients.
2.To continue training Ayurveda scholars with integrative surgical approach and to inculcate research culture into them in order to encourage them for postgraduation and further studies in Shalyatantra.

1. To conduct various eye and ENT check up camps to serve the society and to increase the patient’s flow to OPD as well.
2. To conduct webinars and seminars for better learning of UG and PG students.
3. To appoint honorary audiologist for better functioning of Audiometry unit.
4. To start perimetry, OCT for extending the scope of studies on Glaucoma for early detection & prevention of Glaucoma and also for better learning opportunities for UG and PG students.
5. To collaborate with honorary ENT surgeon to improve scope for PG students.
6. Proposal of research activities in unexplored areas of Shalakya.