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Release of Book on Kayachikitsa On the occasion of birthday ceremony of our Founder Chancellor Hon.Dr.D.Y.Patil Sir

A book on Kayachikitsa Part II Written by Dr.Ashish Mhatre, Dr.Sudarshan Hande & Dr.Nikhil Joglekar was released on the occasion of birthday ceremony of our Founder Chancellor Dr.D.Y.Patil Sir by the auspicious hands of our Head of Dept. of Kayachikitsa. Dr.D.M.Padavi.

Kayachikitsa is a most important branch of Ayurveda which deals with treatment of all disorders .This subject is taught in Final year B.A.M.S .This book addresses the theory & practical aspects of Kayachikitsa Paper II as per latest syllabus of CCIM. This book will help students to understand basic treatment modalities, therapeutic approach to correction of Doshas, Dushyas & Malas including treatment plan for management of disorders. In this book the authors have tried to include important references in Samhitas to understand Ayurvedic aspects where as modern syllabus has been covered with the help of reputed modern literature. So with the help of this book, the students will acquire knowledge of both Ayurveda as well as modern medical science.