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M.S. Ayurved [Shalya Tantra]

Quick Enquiry

1) Course Overview:

Teaching Modalities & Aids :
1) Teaching aids – OHP, LCD, Slide Projectors
2) Seminars, Regular Tutorials, Guest lectures, Compilations, Debates etc.
3) Free E – journal access
4) Special coaching available for slow learners
5)Shloka Competitions
6) Regular workshops and hands-on tarining, for an immersive student experience
Special resources used by Department:
– Hi Tech Operation Theatre
– Advanced surgical instruments like Laparoscope, Video endoscope, etc.
– Sigmoid scope
– Specially designed Ksharsutra section.
– Live demonstrations of various surgical and parasurgical procedures like Agnikarma, Ksahrsutra, Suturing etc

Innovative Practices:
1) Separate Ksharsutra preparation unit & Parasurgical procedures used in different diseases
2) Setup of laproscopy and endoscopy instruments so that students receive thorough knowledge of latest techniques.
3) Conduction of free surgical health checkup camps to serve society healthcare needs.
4) Regular syllabus upgradation with integration of useful topics to existing syllabus from other disciplines.

Duration Of Course:

3 years

Quick Enquiry