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M.D. [Ayurved Samhitas]

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1) Course Overview:

For Postgraduate students, efforts are taken to simplify the subjects like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita & Ashtanga Hridaya. Students are subjected to daily commentary reading of above subjects and discussed in detail. We help them understand the finer points of the subject. Students are given assignments or short topics for compilation. Topics are given in accordance with their dissertation subjects. Research Methodology is taught according to syllabus. Topics are discussed keeping in mind research in Ayurveda. The importance of research is impressed upon the students so as to inculcate the relevance of research in their minds. If topics are not clear they are explained repeatedly and question answer sessions are arranged. We try to stimulate curiosity in the minds of the students without which research and innovation is not possible. Practicals of Research Methodology are conducted in accordance with the syllabus.

Duration Of Course:

3 years

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