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Functions of the Gender Sensitization Committee :

• To create a healthy campus ambience for all students to develop and groom themselves holistically and to ensure that all students are treated with respect and dignity despite coming from varied socio-economic background. Gender sensitisation awareness and a follow up briefing of the same is done regularly.
• During the process of a new batch of students joining, the institution during the process of orientation and induction process initiates it with the Director, Dean and the Gender and Women Empowerment representatives briefing them about the Gender parity policy and proceedings of the grievance process if there is any such discrimination.
• To allocate mentors to the students to positively influence them for all the aspects of their behaviour .The students can seek advice from their mentor on personal problems, conflicts or other challenges if faced with. The mentors and Gender champions look into the wellbeing of all. To provide advise to the students on their personal problems and help with solving problems and conflicts related to the learning and adjustment in the college. Moreover, it also includes the matter of recognising the behavioural issues of the students and provide proper guidance to resolve them.
• For an unbiased measure the institute strictly follows no discrimination.
• To ensure equal rights and participations in regular cultural activities, sports, debate, celebrations, and performing arts and scholarships girl students are to be encouraged by all means without any sign of gender discrimination.
• Lady faculties and staff members are to be given equal participations in different activities performed throughout the year. All the committees formed, include lady faculties and staffs in appropriate numbers.
• Regular awareness programme for safety and security are conducted by the School.
• To encourage the girl’s students to take part and keep them active sessions on self-defence is conducted for their safety measure. Moreover, they are encouraged to attend series of lectures on health, nutrition. They are also encouraged to undertake their physical fitness seriously by joining r yoga classes conducted by expert trainer, arranged by the institute. Besides these, there are a plenty of opportunity to explore other different forms of sports in the college. Especially the girl’s students are motivated watch their health and wellbeing.
• To conduct regular meetings of the committee of the Grievance redressal for Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace to look after the fact that safety and security in all such aspects are maintained.
• Sensitisation by conducting different activities and topics related to gender sensitization to be performed such as debates, role plays etc.
• To conduct classes related to gender, women’s rights and women empowerment for students by the faculty veerangana and Advocate veerangana members and the Women’sEmpowerement Cell.
• To celebrate woman hood and its beauty .Women’s day is celebrated on 8th March.