Main Content

Function of the Committee

Measures for Prohibition of Ragging

1) By displaying various posters related to Anti ragging in college campus, a strict message is conveyed to students that ragging is totally prohibited in the institution and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively or being a part of a conspiracy to promote ragging is liable to be punished in accordance with the Regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force.

2) The telephone numbers of the Members of Anti-Ragging committee are displayed at various areas in the college campus for easy access to the student. Anti-Ragging affidavit signed at the time of admission to F.Y.B.A.M.S. from the entire student and another Anti Ragging Affidavit signed by a Parent/Guardian. Format of affidavit is as per UGC guidelines.

3) Every year after admission of fresh batch, Anti ragging awareness program is organized under the guidance of Vice chancellor, Registrar, Controller of Examination and Dean of the college to provide all information regarding ragging. Various aspects of Ragging are elaborated with Power point presentation.

4) Every year various competitions like Poster / drama / Essay etc are conducted to spread awareness of hazards of ragging.

5) Regularly Surprise visits are conducted by Anti-ragging committee in various area of college campus to early detect the Anti-ragging cases.