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Code of Conduct for Students

The student life is full of possibilities pertaining to all aspects of life. Discipline is a must to make the most of it in a responsible way. Thus, D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University School of Ayurvedaa, has devised a code of conduct for their students as follows-

1) Discipline is essential on the campus and it will help you become better citizens.

2) Respect for others is utmost important. Respect views, privacy and dignity of everyone around you.

3) No discrimination is allowed on basis of race, religion, color, gender, financial and social status etc.

4) In view of this, ragging is strictly prohibited in this campus. Ragging is a cognizable offence which will ruin your professional career for sure.

5) Attendance for the lectures, practical, clinics etc. is mandatory as per university norms.Failing to which, you may not be permitted to appear for examinations and pose for disciplinary action.

6) Leaves are granted for valid reasons only. They must be presanctioned by concerned authority and informed to all concerned faculties.

7) Students are expected to be seated in their respective classrooms during class hours,loitering in the campus, corridors will not be appreciated.

8) Students are expected to conduct themselves in a worthy manner in their dressing,demeanor and sense of discipline.

9) Students must always carry and wear their College Identity Cards; the ID cards must be displayed at the College gates & whenever asked for.

10) Code of conduct on the campus includes safeguarding the Institutional property and keeping the campus clean & tidy.

11) Drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse are strictly prohibited. Stern action will be taken in such situation by the authorities.

12) Use of mobile/cell phones along the corridors or inside the classrooms is strictly forbidden and will lead to confiscation & strict action against the student.

13) Student's behavior toward patients must be of a professional manner.

14) Important rules and notifications will be displayed on notice board. It is responsibility of students to follow it diligently.

15) The students must abide by rules and policies, follow procedures and guidelines.