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Alumni Speaks

1. Abhinav Gupta, Batch of 2007

Finding the right path to success at the right time is really very important and for thatway I had selected D.Y. Patil College of Architecture. The friendly environment, thesystematic approach towards imparting education at this college has made me acompetent individual. This college has given newer perspective towards architectureand also helped me to grow into a knowledgeable human being. The wide range of aarchitecturalcompetition which I took part in during the college days really helped mein my journey of architecture. And the constant support from Professors was and isreally very helpful for me.

2. TejasDeshmukh, Batch of 2007

I was drawn towards architecture since the beginning of my 9th standard and I knew Iwanted to peruse this field. Coming to D.Y. Patil College of architecture was one ofmy good decisions since it changed my perspective towards looking at problems andthe solving it. The faculties are really very kind and approachable when any needarises. It gave me a platform to push myself and to understand the potentials thatwas hidden inside me. The past 5 years which I spent in college not only helped mebroaden my horizon on my knowledge about architecture but also helped mediscover more about myself.