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5th Free Occupational Assistive Technology Therapy Camp

DETAILS OF STUDENT PARTICIPATION – 52 students from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year BOT participated in enrolment of patients and evaluation for requirement of assistive devices.



Dr. Surekha Patil , Dean DY Patil Deemed to be University, and Dr. Rahul Peddawad, CEO, DY Patil hospital


Dr. Deepa Pradhan, Professor and HOD, School of Occupational Therapy, Presided the event and Dr. Aishwarya Swaminathan, Associate Professor, School of Occupational Therapy, organized the event

OBJECTIVES To reach out to pediatric and adult patients, with amputations, neurological or orthopedic dysfunctions, hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, etc who will require, assistive devices like artificial limbs, crutches, wheelchairs, calipers and hearing aids.

To evaluate them and take measurements for the devices

DAY & DATE OF EVENT: 27th January 2020,

VENUE OF EVENT : Paediatric OT OPD, Ground Floor, DY Patil Hospital

ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED AT THE EVENT: The camp was sponsored by Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust. This was an evaluation camp where children and adults in need of assistive devices like lower limb calipers and axillary crutches, with varied diagnosis like cerebral palsy, global developmental delays, various syndromes and post-polio residual paralysis were evaluated and their measurements were taken so that the assistive devices could be manufactured and provided within a few weeks time.

BENEFITS: Patients benefitted from getting their measurements taken for assistive devices. Students of BOT got a hands on opportunity to evaluate patients, and learn about evaluation, measurement taking and prescription of assistive technology.